Bauerfeind GenuTrain S Pro Knee Support Brace

Size: 1
Color: Beige
Leg: Right


GenuTrain S Pro active supports have adjustable hinges. Together with two inelastic straps on the upper and lower leg, they keep the knee joint secure during movement.

Secure freedom of movement

The anatomically contoured joint splints on the Bauerfeind GenuTrain S Pro knee support brace can be individually adjusted by an orthotist / medical supply retailer and their range of movement can be restricted. By adjusting the hinge, the flexion angle of the knee can be limited to 30°, 60° or 90°. The knee can also be prevented from stretching to its full extent by locking the hinge at 20°. These restrictions are designed to protect the knee and can be lifted in line with the progress of treatment. Together with two inelastic straps on the upper and lower leg, the joint splints provide secure support and relieve the collateral ligaments. The knee is guided during movement and its freedom of movement is kept within safe limits. Wearing this support can thus compensate for any mild to moderate instability, for example due to osteoarthritis of the knee, while providing optimum stability for ligaments weakened by arthritis.

Activation of sensorimotor processes

The integrated elastic pressure cushion (pad) wraps around the kneecap to protect it and helps to position the support correctly. During movement, a massage effect is generated by the distortion of the pad and the compressing knit, which activates the surrounding muscles and stimulates circulation. This helps to relieve pain and reduce swelling more quickly. The support also activates sensorimotor processes which improve muscle control. As well as providing passive stabilization for the knee, it therefore provides more active support too.

  • Stabilizes the knee joint and activates the muscles
  • the combination of splints and straps provides secure support
  • the flexion and extension angle of the leg can be restricted



  • Mild to moderate instability 
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee 
  • Arthritis (e.g. primary chronic polyarthritis) 
  • Meniscus injuries


• New knitting concept: particularly stretchy, breathable and moisture wicking for excellent wearing comfort especially in the popliteal area.

• The sidebars are additionally secured with circular, inelastic straps.

• Special knitting techniques make the support extremely comfortable to wear, including behind the knee.

• The anatomically shaped bars can be heated and reshaped and are inserted in lateral guide channels.

• A circular viscoelastic insert surrounds the patella and facilitates correct positioning of the support.

 Mode of action

• The combination of joint bars and a strap system provides added passive support to the knee.

• The positive effect on the sensorimotor system provides added active support to the knee.

• Knee activity moves the padded ring, thereby massaging the parapatellar soft tissue structures.

• The compression and massage effects accelerate the reabsorption of edema and effusions.

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